Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club

The Dashboard A publication of the
Central Oklahoma Classic Chevy Club.
A not-for-profit corporation.
A chapter of Bow Tie Chevys
and Classic Chevy International.
October 2003

From the President

COCCC Presidnet Bill Washam

I would like to thank all club members for electing me to the office of president. It is a privilege and I will do my best at this job. I would also like to congratulate the past officers on the fine jobs they did. Ken Monroe did a wonderful job as president. Rustyne Harris took good care of our money and Martha Duerksen did a great job as secretary. James Chesher and Mel Harris kept everyone informed by telephone as to upcoming events. David Reeds was always ready to step in and take over for Ken when necessary. John Dragoo did an excellent job as show chairman. I thank each one of you for a job well done.

My philosophy is very close to Ken Monroe's. It is my job to help the club accomplish the goals and objectives the club sets for itself. It is not my job to think up and set the goals. We can do zero shows or one show per month. It is up to the club. Whatever we vote to do I will work to help us accomplish.

Each and every member in this club is just as important as any other member. I'm not big on keeping secrets and don't believe in clicks. Each member and their opinion are important. Please phone me at home or at work or e-mail with your thoughts any time.

Mel Harris told me that the next opening for an international show would be 2006. So that leaves us 2004 and 2005 to put on a show, if you want to. We can discuss this at the next meeting. Jim Chesher is looking into some show possibilities for us.

We wish Charles and Marilyn Stookey the best of luck in Washington. For the last 14 years they have worked hard for the club and we will miss them very much. Diane Preston has volunteered to do our newsletter, so please send her plenty of articles to publish.

Ken and I will both be out of town on October 19. Because of this, we are changing the meeting date back to Oct. 12 at M&W Wallpaper at 3 p.m. Several of our members will be in Biloxi at Cruise the Coast event. Maybe we could appoint or elect them to some special offices in their absence.

Bill Washam


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